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Creamy Cauliflower Tagliatelle

The key to this dish is having the cauliflower cooked 2 ways, this gives us a contrasting texture and taste, making this dish seem way more complicated than it actually is. 

To cook 1 portion

  • ½ a cauliflower

  • 1 mug almond milk

  • 1 handful of tagliatelle

  • Olive oil

  • Salt & pepper

To cook

Chop the cauliflower into chunks, but keep some nice looking florets to one side for the topping. Boil the chunks of cauliflower in salted water for about 10 mins until soft, then blend in a food processor along with 1 mug of almond milk and a generous seasoning of salt and pepper. 

Meanwhile, season and pan fry the florets over a medium heat in a glug of olive oil, and cook the pasta in salted boiling water.

Mix the cooked pasta with the cauliflower sauce, top with the florets and garnish with a generous glug of olive oil, salt and pepper.